Monday, August 9, 2010

Blog Titles

For a couple of days this blog was entitled, 'Ben's Blog'. I liked the alliteration. Sans net access though, I'd failed to realise that so did a lot of other Bens. It was John Hirst (jailhouselawyer) who persuaded the Editor that Google would be much kinder to "Ben's Prison Blog", so a quick change took place.

Ever since, I've been toying with alternatives, the titles that
never were… "No.6 Speaks..." is my favourite. Any other
suggestions? None of which will be used, you understand, as I'm
not making my Prisoner Ben T -shirt redundant!

1 comment:

  1. After being inside for thirty years, this is '*The* Jail Bird's Blog', especially since Ben is the only prisoner in this country who is actively blogging at the moment.

    But sometimes things seem so sad and bleak that something like 'Ben's Prison Blues' might set the right tone for blogging from the inside.

    Actually I rather like 'Ben Rocks the Jail House' with a strap line in parenthesis (Tip it Over!) but that might be a bit too radical and controversial for some!

    Just keep it up Ben, whatever you decide to call it! All the best!
