Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Novel Resettlement Scheme

The willingness of Britain's Upper legislative chamber, the House of Lords, to continue to employ members on their release from prison warms my heart.

If only other enterprises were so open minded...


  1. Thats the state - for the people, of the people, by the people.
    While 'other enterprises' are just - from the people, use the people, dump the people.

  2. I do find this puzzling. Members of the upper house are unelected, and are allowed to keep their seats no matter what they are convicted of.

    Members of the lower house are elected, but you are not eligible to be a member if you have a criminal record.

    Surely this should be the other way round, let people decide if criminal convictions are sufficient to warrant exclusion from public office on the basis of democracy.

  3. @tallguy, yes, you articulate it well and with stark accuracy, but to my mind so many things are upside down in this society, the scenario at the Lords doesn't surprise me in the least. Its a funny kind of democracy we've got here, it leaves much to be desired.

  4. The more ex-cons in either House the better, in my opinion.

    It always makes me smile when I compare how understanding (of just how broken our jails are!) these people suddenly become once they have spent a few (invariably) weeks behind the door.

    Who, (if not former inmates!) could be better placed to initiate positive changes in a broken system.

  5. @ Darby, while its true that an understanding of the (in)justice system is clearer for those who have been on the receiving end of it, people change, and although there may be some who stand steadfast for progress and democracy, (while holding office and positions of power) others, I am sure, will be persuaded otherwise by a handsome backhander.

    Corruption runs deep and is heavily embedded into the corridors of power; speaking out against it all takes some almighty strength.

    While there are some that can do it, it won't necessarily be an ex con.

    Change subject: Yay! for Ben, Good luck m8

  6. Sophie, As someone who runs out of cerebral puff after a post or two, I certainly wasn't suggesting that it's only ex-cons that have the ability (energy and strength) to change things for the better.

    However, I do believe very strongly that their are only 'two sides to the fence of life', and unless you have dwelt on both. You'll only ever be in possession of half the picture.

    Glad you made it Ben. You're on the 'back straight' (again) now!

  7. You don't know that I have only dwelt on "one side", Darby.

    For those who know what its like on "both sides", is there is a duty therefore, to inform and educate? And will those in the know necessarily do this?

    Its getting a bit surreal in here

  8. Sophie.

    Apologies for not making myself clear.

    'However, I do believe very strongly that their are only 'two sides to the fence of life', and unless you have dwelt on both. You'll only ever be in possession of half the picture.'

    The 'you' and 'You'll' in the paragraph above are meant in the context of - one; anyone; people in general:

    I can't type ('point and peck' I think Ben calls it!?) anywhere near as my fast as my brain would like. And as a consequence, I've forgotten most of the points I want to get across before I get to the end of the post - and often make mistakes.

    Apologies again.

  9. Dear lord, thank goodness. Happy for everyone. Best of luck from Babs
