Friday, June 4, 2010

Home or Hell?

There are prisoners who see prison as a safe place, a surrogate home. There are others who find prison such a torment that they kill themselves.

Assuming that prisoners are a homogenous mass is obviously a mistake, but a point worth reiterating. Extrapolating from any selected sub-group, or individual, is a false path to understanding.

Just because some people love it, doesn't mean that prison is okay or a soft touch.


  1. Anyone who goes round saying that prison is a holiday camp should be locked up.

  2. As an ex-con, i do think prison is a holiday camp, but it is not that that is the problem, It is the fact that people have childeren/ animals / a home / job / family etc, and it causes a lot of disruption, and if you are not lucky enough to have any of the above it is harder to get on your feet again upon release.

  3. The family or lack of one can be a home or hell too. Life can be home and hell wherever you are. But to roam free on the earth is the desirable state for all of us I guess. There will be no peace on the earth until the captives are set free

  4. another problem is that crime is not okay either

  5. Anon, above. Whats your point?? Do you think that criminal justice is a zero sum game? The break up of prisoners families leads to higher reoffending, so just because something hurts criminals doesnt mean its good for victims, society or justice.

  6. Absolutely right madalbert.
