Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Mad Rumour

Prison life seems particularly well suited to the generation and perpetuation of rumours.

After all, we have 2 groups - screws and cons - more than willing to believe the worst about each other, and both share a certain base cynicism of the whole edifice.

As I served lunch today I was reminded of the long-standing rumour that the staff in some notorious block who, having beaten a prisoner to death, tried to muddy the time of death by stuffing the body into the wing server hotplate to keep it warm.

I have to admit, it wouldn't surprise me.


  1. 'tried to muddy the time of death by stuffing the body into the wing server hotplate to keep it warm.'

    If the temperature of the 'food' served up in most British prisons is anything to go by, this is a (not so warming!) story of a plan, - that was always bound for failure.

  2. O.M.G!

    And a happy halloween to you too Ben!

    But seriously, take care of yourself in there and try get out soon

  3. Rumours spread because people want them to be true, not because there's any reason to suppose they are.
    And deaths are unexplained because the people in control want them to be unexplained - there'd be no need for the warders to keep the body warm.
