Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Death of the IPP

The last Government's poisonous legacy to penology, the Indeterminate Sentence for Public Protection, is finally to be buried.

Alas, the thousands of people in prison because of it can't jump for joy yet.  The Government still lacks the decency to resurrect those suffering this stupid and wicked sentence back into freedom.

This is only half a job done.  The fight to truly expunge this disastrous sentence and its effects must continue.


  1. You are absolutely right Ben - the way the sentence was used, particularly in the early days when many people were given them for relatively 'minor' offences, has resulted in injustice. One would think there might be a plan to deal with these early IPP prisoners in a decent and humane way - but do not hold your breath as the media (Daily Mail and the likes) will make profit by scaremongering and improper reporting making anyone in the government afraid to make a fair and humane decision about these people.

    Well done Ben, for being prepared to stand up for people with these IPP sentences - not many people have done this.

    Keep yourself strong Ben and take care.

  2. Give the police, CPS, courts, prison governors, screws - anyone in a position of power - extra force, and they will inevitably abuse it. The IPP is a case in point. If you're not sure about this, consider the case of Joe Paraskeva, a young man with a severe psychiatric condition who was given an IPP by one of our infamous feral judges, rather than be given the treatment he needs.

  3. Quite right! Before they spend stupid amounts of our money keeping someone in prison they should prove there's a need.

    That reminds me... when are they letting Ben out?

  4. What a shocker anon above, I will highlight Joe's case among the contacts I have in the mental health service user movement.

    We are being severely weakened by attacks on our independent organisations though, the one I was with for many years has been disbanded just recently.

    I don't know what the world is coming to.

    Keep up the fight Ben and everyone, better must come.

  5. Cirrocumulus: You may well ask...
    Ben was not referred back to the parole board over the mobile phone issue. "They" must have decided that 21 days in solitary was enough punishment. He remains in a Cat C prison, one year after the parole board's recommendation for a move to Cat D. As his release hearing is set for May 2012 he will miss the boat unless he is moved very quickly, as 6 months is the minimum length of time to be spent in Cat D before being considered for release. In other words, November, as nothing happens over Christmas.
    E-mail to Ken?!

  6. Not sure IPP is being removed, just replaced by an extension of the mandatory life sentence for a second serious violent/sexual offence.
