Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Answers cont...

Q5: To what degree do you genuinely feel as a middle aged man that you are responsible for the actions of a 14 year old boy in a fit of anger? I mean, sure, that collection of cells eventually became the collection of cells that now constitute "you", but aren't you essentially different organisms: your brains do/did different things, you believe different things, and the current you probably dislikes the person "you" were in that moment enormously. Given that, does the State reeeallly have the right to imprison you now on account of the immoral actions of a different you? (Andrew F)

A: Hmmm, I see what you are saying,..but! Even though there is not a single cell in my body that is the same as the one that committed murder, there is that indefinable essence of "I" that is a constant. And I'm as responsible for what I did today as at the time.


  1. I highly respect your answer to this question Ben.

  2. Actually. if you bothered to read and study, there is a huge amount of cells in your body that were there when you killed. They're in your brain, there are even two of them in your toes! So your statement, "Even though there is not a single cell in my body that is the same as the one that committed murder," is incorrect. Guess that potential PhD doesn't make you so smart after all...

  3. Well, I think you're being too hard on yourself, Ben. Just because you are responsible most certainly does not mean that you should still be in prison.

    There are disconnects in logic that we must try to stay on top of.

  4. I too don't believe Ben should still be in prison for a crime he committed when he was 14 years old. However I respect the fact that despite this injustice he accepts he is responsible for what he did.

    I don't think Ben's PhD is going to be in Biology so let's not worry about how many cells remain from when he was 14! He is the same person inside, there is only 'one' of us from birth to the day we die (and beyond) - one soul who is precious to God.

  5. Anonymous on October 13, 2010 11:38 PM

    Oh God! You're an undergradute student. Or a really crass lecturer.

    I love this bit in your post too, "Actually. if you bothered to read and study, there is a huge amount of cells in your body that were there when you killed".

    I'm guessing that you have not bothered to read and study this blog in it's entirety. Pretty poor when you are basing your knowledge on what appears to be Lombroso/ Ferri/ Garofalo etc 101.

    Ben will know what I'm talking about.
